Here's the C&P of my birth story that I posted on 3rd tri:
I had my 40 week appointment on Christmas Eve (due date was Christmas Day) and scheduled an induction for Dec 30. I was only 1cm dilated and my cervix was long. I had a NST where it showed I was having some contractions, but nothing painful or regular. It was the same type of contractions I'd been having for over a week.
MH and I went to my moms around 3:30 and had plans to have dinner with his parents later on. Around 4pm I started getting contractions. There was more cramping then usually but I didn't think much of it. I didn't want anyone to know in case it wasn't anything so I wasn't timing them very well but they seemed to be coming every 5-6 minutes. We left around 6pm and that's when I told MH I thought I was in labor. We went home and I started timing them on They were about every 3-5 minutes apart and were becoming more painful. When I went to the bathroom there was some bloody mucus so I must have lost my MP. At 7:30 I called my OB and MH called his parents to let them know we weren't coming to dinner. The OB told me since it was my first to call back in another hour. I called shortly before 9pm, the contractions were getting pretty painful at that point and I think MH was still in shock because he wasn't doing much to help me.
We got to the hospital at 9:30. My contractions were 2-5 minutes apart and I was only 1cm dilated. The OB told me I wasn't in labor (my ass I wasn't in labor - I was definitely having painful contractions. I think he said that because I wasn't 4cm dilated but it pissed me off that he said it multiple times as I was practically in tears with all the pain). I was given the choice to either go home and come back later or get induced. I kept on going back on forth on the idea because I didn't want to get induced, but finally decided to stay because I could not take the pain anymore and felt more comfortable at the hospital.
They slowly started the pitocin and I requested pain medication but they refused to give it to me until there was some progress. The OB said he would check around 1am. By midnight I could not take it anymore. Being hooked up to the IV's and having to stay in bed was horrible. I called the nurse and told her I NEEDED some meds. The OB came back and checked me and I was 2cm. He said that since there was some progress he would give me the epidural. The anesthesiologist came pretty quickly and got me started on everything. After it was all done I saw him talking to the nurse. The baby's heart rate had dropped and they were giving me a shot of something to bring it back up. I was given an oxygen mask and rolled on my other side. I asked what the heart rate was and was told it was 70 bpm, but it quickly went up. I was soon in heaven wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and MH came back in the room.
Everything went pretty quickly from there. I think my body just needed to be able to relax to dilate. Around 2am I was 4cm and was 7cm by 3:30/4ish. They broke my water and there was meconium in it. I was told they would have to take the baby right away to make sure it was OK. By 5/5:30am I was 10cm and ready to push. After pushing for a while I was told the head was sideways and baby was not coming down. I think I was around -1/0 station. The OB told me a few times that there was a possibility I would need a c/s. That was the last thing I wanted and I kept on pushing as hard as I could. MH was a great help and kept on encouraging me. I don't know if I would've been able to do it without him. Baby's head was coming down and I think the OB was able to move it. He told me that they would have to do an episiotomy and use the suction. At that point I didn't care what happened, I just kept on saying "Get my baby out". At 7:46am on Christmas day my son, Mason Christopher, was born. I remember seeing the body flop out but I couldn't see much else. I asked what it was and both the OB and MH said "It's a boy". It was the most amazing moment in my life. I ended up with a 4th degree tear all the way down my perineum to my anus including some muscle. They took my son over to the warmer right away where the neonatologist was waiting. While they stitched me up MH stayed by my side. Mason was screaming his head off and was surrounded by nurses and doctors. Once they cleared out MH went and took pictures of him so I could see what he looked like. It was the longest hour of my life before I could finally hold him.
Becoming a mom has completely changed my life. Everything I thought that I would do or not do as a parent has been thrown out the window. I do what I need to do to keep my son happy and myself sane. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world. My birth plan was the complete opposite of what happened, but all I cared about was delivering a healthy baby. Nothing else mattered. I wish everyone the best of luck! See you on 0-6 soon.
Winter ONEderland!
10 years ago