Thursday, January 28, 2010

6 weeks

Yesterday marked 6 weeks.

Baby is now the size of a sweatpea.
Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours) and blood is starting to circulate.

Symptoms - Still no m/s!! Can I be so lucky? I'm tired and just started getting a little congested. Not sure if I'm getting a cold or if it's a symptom. So far this is completely different from when I was pg with M. Perhaps this little one is a girl?

Weight - +2 lbs - but still at 0 since I lost weight in the beginning. I plan on picking up a pregnancy workout video soon and then start back up with stroller strides in March when I'm in the 2nd tri. I would love to go back now but we haven't even told our parents yet and I would have to tell the instructors since I would have to do some modifications. I wouldn't want everyone else to notice and then figure out I'm pregnant.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st appointment

I had my first appointment on Friday. Nothing too exciting. PIAC, took my weight. Nurse asked me a bunch of family history questions. Saw my midwife and she did a pap and pelvic exam. Said I was about 4 or 5 weeks - according to my chart I was 5 weeks 2 days. My first u/s is in 2 weeks!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 weeks

When I was 5 weeks pg with M morning sickness hit hard. So far today I am still feeling great! The only symptom I have is being tired. I almost want to take another pg test just to make sure I didn't imagine the 9 positive ones I took.

Weight - 0

I'm hoping to start working out again soon so I can stay healthy and in shape this time around.

2 days until my first appointment!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

4 weeks 1 day

Today I am 4 weeks 1 day.

Symptoms -I still don't have any symptoms - which is fine by me! With M I was sick from 5 weeks - 12 weeks. I'm definitely not looking forward to that part of pregnancy again. Hopefully this time around won't be as bad.

Weight - -2lbs. With M I gained a lot of weight. I'm hoping to not taking "eating for 2" so seriously this time and continue to exercise. I haven't done any exercising yet. I'm waiting to talk to my Dr. at my first appointment. I'm still nursing M so I think that has to do with my weight loss. I haven't been that hungry and need to work on eating more calories (healthy ones that is) so I can keep up with the needs of the baby and M.

Looking forward to - my first appointment is next Friday. I know they don't do much at it but it can't come fast enough. They'll probably have me schedule my 8 week appointment and u/s!

Here we go again

So I'm digging this blog back up. We'll see if I can keep up with 2 blogs now. Mason's blog is followed by friend's and family and I wanted a secret blog.

On Saturday Chris and I found out that I'm pregnant again! We are so excited and a little nervous to have two under two. Mason took 7 cycles to conceive so we didn't think it would happen so soon this time around. I'm still bf'ing Mason and we conceived this little one the first cycle I ovulated! This blog will be the journey of becoming a mom of 2u2. M and this new LO will be 21 months apart!