Sunday, July 25, 2010

Maternity photos

We had a family photo session 2 weeks ago and took a couple maternity photos. I was 30 weeks.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

31 weeks

How far along: 31 weeks

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of an Squash!

What is baby doing? Baby's going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. (He won't pick up anything from his nose until after birth, though -- smell is transferred through air, not amniotic fluid.)

Total weight gain: 29 lbs

Sleep: I've actually been sleeping a little better. It helps that DS is back to sleeping through the night.

Movement: same as last week - this little one loves to move!

Milestones: none

What I'm looking forward to: working more on the closet. I hope my gift card comes in the mail soon (from credit card points) so we can get the closet organizer.

31 week belly picture

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

nesting has begun

Last week I mentioned that I had started nesting. DH and I had seperate closets. Our master was really a double room made into one large room. This winter DH will put a wall up so LO can have his/her own bedroom. Now DH and I share a closet (sigh).

So here's what we did. We moved our dressers out of the other half of the room into what will be our new master. I reaaranged my closet making room for DH's clothes and shoes. We then emptied DH's previous closet and he invaded mine. I've been working on getting all of the baby stuff out of storage and now most of it is in baby's new room. I can't believe how much clothes we already have! Some outfits DS never wore!

Here's a picture of some new holiday clothes I purchased for LO
Here's the closet so far. We plan on doing a DIY custom closet so I'll be updating on that.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

3-0 weeks!

Oh my - 10 weeks to go!

How far along: 30 weeks

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of an Squash!

What is baby doing? As baby's skin smoothes out, her brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. She's also adding some brawn -- her grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.

Total weight gain: 28 lbs

Sleep: same as last week

Movement: same as last week

Milestones: The big 3-0 and nesting has begun!

What I'm looking forward to: More nesting! I was afraid it wasn't going to hit this time. I got so much accomplished yesterday. I'll post more on that later.

DH was home yesterday and I forgot to have him take a picture!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of an Squash!

What is baby doing? Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for you: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs.

Total weight gain: 26.5 lbs

Sleep: same as last week

Movement: same as last week

Milestones: none

What I'm looking forward to: The weather to cool down! We've been having humid weather in the mid to upper 90's. The past couple of days there's been a heat advisory and an air quality alert. I want to go back to playing outside!

29 week belly picture

eat less exercise more

"Eat less exercise more" is the short version of how my 28 week appointment went on Friday. Sigh.

I had gained 9 lbs from 24 - 28 weeks. A nurse made a comment and then when I asked my midwife what she recommended in regards to a c-section she made another comment about my weight gain. At 28 weeks I had gained a total of 26 lbs.

We discussed the pros and cons of vaginal vs. c-section delivery. My midwife said that vaginal is the best way to go and went over complications that could arise in future pregnancies from having a c-section such as uterine eruption and placenta something (starts with an A). I think that's where the placenta doesn't attach to the uterine wall but attaches through it. Right now I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead and she thinks it will be an 8-9 lb baby. She wants me to keep my weight down so that the baby will not be as big. If the baby is less than 8 lbs she recommends a vaginal birth and if baby is more than 8 lbs a c-section. They'll be doing a growth ultrasound when it gets closer.

However I really don't agree with her advice. I feel the size of baby mostly has to do with genetics. I gained 60 lbs with DS and he was 7 lbs 13 oz. I am on track to gain at least 20 lbs less this time around and the baby is bigger. From my understanding the baby takes what it needs first and then whatever is left over is from mom. If I follow the instructions of "eat less exercise more" I'd basically be depriving myself and possibly baby of any nutrician s/he needs. I'm already working out 3-4 days a week and I'm not eating a huge amount of junk food. So I guess my appointment really didn't help out with the decision I need to make.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

28 weeks

Time is flying by!

How far along: 28 weeks

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of an eggplant!

What is baby doing? Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.

Total weight gain: 26 lbs

Sleep: Pretty good. I usually wake up 1-2 times to pee but can fall right back asleep. DS has been sleeping too so that's a plus!

Movement: All the time. This LO is more active than DS. I'm in trouble!

Milestones: I passed my 1 hour glucose test! I am so excited. With DS I failed and had to take the 3 hour. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to take the 3 hour this time around.

What I'm looking forward to: Nesting instict. I have so many things to do but I just haven't started. We moved into our new house in December and the office is still a mess and needs to get unpacked. I'm such a procrastinator. Hopefully nesting will kick in soon and I can get the house in order. Until then I'll be lazy.