Sunday, April 29, 2012

8 weeks!

How far along: 8 weeks

Symptom: Nausea's starting to get a little better thank goodness! 

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of a Raspberry!

What is baby doing?
  • You can't feel it yet, but she's moving those arms and legs like crazy!
  • Her fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and her tail (yes, she had one) is gone.
  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.
Total weight gain: ?

Sleep: Not bad.  I'm exhausted. 

Movement: No movement yet.

Milestones: Each week in 1st tri is a milestone!

What I'm looking forward to: Nurse appointment tomorrow! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

7 weeks

How far along: 7 Weeks (well technically 7w5d but it's been a rough week!)

Symptom: Nausea has hit bad which is why I haven't been able to do my weekly update on time.  Luckily today I'm feeling a little better. 

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of a Blueberry!

What is baby doing?
  • She's generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute!
  • Not only is her brain becoming more complex, but her heart is too.
  • Also important: She's developing a permanent set of kidneys
  • Her arm and leg joints are now forming.
Total weight gain: ?

Sleep: Not bad.  I'm exhausted. 

Movement: No movement yet.

Milestones: Each week in 1st tri is a milestone!

What I'm looking forward to: First u/s this afternoon!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here we go once again! 6 weeks

So once again I am digging this blog out. I have trouble keeping up with both blogs and now I have a photography blog as well. While I only maintain this blog while I'm pg I like having a secret record that when I finally scrapbook about my pregnancies I can look back on this to remember.

So I'm 6 weeks pg with baby 3.0. We found out 2 weeks ago and couldn't believe it. We started TTC when DS2 turned a year. In January I got pg but it turned into a chemical pregnancy. I got one barely there BFP on 14DPO, a negative at 15DPO and my period began at 16DPO. We decided to take a couple months off and start TTC late May or June in hopes of a Spring 2013 baby. I figured with 2 active boys having a baby in warm weather would be great. I guess this little one had other plans because lo and behold I'm due Dec 5! Take a look at my chart - I thought we did a good job at TTA! We are super excited though and hope this little one sticks!

How far along: 6 weeks

Symptom: So, So lucky that not many yet. With the 2 boys I don't know how I'd keep up! A little fatigue but I try to nap when the little guy is napping and put a tv show on for DS1.

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of a Sweetpea!
What is baby doing?
  • Obviously, she's growing like crazy!
  • She's also circulating blood with her increasingly more sophisticated circulatory sytem.
  • She's about to get cuter too, since she's starting to sprout a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks.
  • And she might even be wiggling her (paddle-like) hands and feet.
Total weight gain: 0 - starting out at 131.5

Sleep: Still sleeping fine. Sometimes wake up early in the morning having to pee. With a 3 year old and 18 month old I'm happy with whatever sleep I can get.

Movement: No movement yet.

Milestones: Had my first OB appointment monday.

What I'm looking forward to: In two weeks we get our first u/s!